Friday, November 19, 2010

Point Conception and Beyond!

Me driving the boat out of Morro Bay
After our pleasant time spent in Morro Bay, we headed out hoping to find the best weather possible to round Point Conception. This leg of our trip was supposed to be our roughest and we'd heard nothing but bad things about the mixed swell, strong gusting winds, and unpredictable characteristics of the point. So, with a little apprehension of the unknown, we made our way out of Morro Bay and continued our journey south.

Point scary, hardly

Some dolpins following the boat

The sunset around Point Conception
Thankfully we couldn't have picked better weather to round the "dreaded" point. We didn't encounter anything but 2-3ft seas and light winds (not even enough to sail with). After we'd made it past the point, we were headed for our next destination, Channel Islands Harbor (not to be confused with The Channel Islands...they are islands, this is a marina in Oxnard, CA). We made it safely to the harbor, with only slight motor complications as we headed in. (By motor complications I mean...the cooling system went "belly-up," which could have led to potential overheating, resulting in us getting towed in by the harbor patrol. Yes, it was embarassing...or at least dad thought so. I just added it to the series of unfortunate events that continues to make this an adventure).

Sea Chaser's first towe
We are now comfortably docked in the harbor, enjoying the sunny weather and our new surroundings. Since our arrival, we've washed the boat, visited a couple new restaurants (where we found the largest serving of fish n' chips ever!) and went exploring in the dinghy.

House cleaning!

Sea Chaser's bath

Scrub, scrub, scrub...notice how I'm never the one in these pictures
(no work, all play)

Having fun in the dinghy

More dinghy laughs

MY GOD! So much fish! (believe it or not, after this meal,
Dad has sworn off all fried foods. Hmmm...wonder why?)

So much fish....piles and piles

The outdoor market/restaurant where we bought the giant fish sticks
We plan on staying here for a couple more days and then make our way down to Catalina where we are looking forward to even warmer weather and calmer seas.

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