Friday, November 19, 2010

Continuing South

Dad waiting for the ferry over to San Fran
Despite our many frustrations with Sausalito, we managed to get away and visit the big city of San Fransisco. From Sausalito we took the ferry and spent the day seeing the sights (including giant noodles), eating some overpriced fish n' chips (god, I'm so bitter) and enjoying the wide array of people.

Me on the ferry upon arrival

A giant noodle.....hmmm, strange
After our wonderful time spent in Sausalito (for those of you who have been reading my previous posts, you can sense the sarcasm) Dad and I were ready to venture to our next destination...Morro Bay.

We took our final showers (and yes, we had to pay $30.00+deposit again for the bathroom key...and yes, I took the longest shower I could possibly stand to get my monies worth) and said our final good-byes to Sausalito. We may have even said a little more than good-bye to the yacht club as we passed by.

So, we motored out into the Bay and made our way back under the Golden Gate, where I managed to take more pictures (maybe it's a nervous habit). Once we got into the ocean, the water was a bit choppy, but nothing we couldn't stand. We attempted to put the sails up, but once again were faced with the problem of no wind, so we continued to motor.

The weather was nice, although continues to be foggy and extremely cold at night. We did eventually make it to Morro Bay, however we managed to take a brief detour along the way...but that's a different post in itself.

Dad leaving Sausalito


Me, enjoying the trip out of the Bay (look no foul weather gear!)

Yet another picture of the bridge

Before we pass under the bridge - what a pair!

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