Friday, November 19, 2010

A Week in Morro Bay

Our welcome to Morro Bay
After our dinghy incident in San Simeon, we immediately headed down to Morro Bay. Here we planned on spending time watching the weather and ocean conditions waiting for the perfect window to make it around Point Conception (supposedly the worst weather/water conditions of our whole trip). While in Morro Bay (a very cruiser friendly port) we enjoyed a variety of activities...

We conveniently anchored in this small fishing harbor during it's annual Harbor Festival. We went and explored the festival and quickly found it was your typical gathering of booths containing homemade jewelry, knitted dog sweaters, and a beer garden. We did enjoy a couple "Big Boy" hamburgers (they stand true to the name), found an alpaca (random) and I even happened upon a real pirate (what are the odds...probably pretty good, actually).


Is that Johnny Depp?

The official Big Boy statue
Other than the harbor fesitivities, we enjoyed a variety of local restaurants on the waterfront, found a laundromat, an Albertson's and even the post office, all within walking distance.  (I've decided this is my new favorite part of our trip....trying to find all the "necessities" within walking distance from the boat.)

Morro Bay is infamous for the giant 570ft rock that sits at it's ocean entrance so, Dad and I made sure to get plenty of pictures of that...also there are three, very large, smoke stacks that stand just behind "the rock" that we also frequently photographed (which is strange since we have no idea what they connect to).

"The Stacks"

Sea Chaser with the rock

"The Rock"

During our time spent here we also encountered some pretty strong winds. Of course Dad made me face the elements on the bow of the boat with the wind gauge where I measured 40kts! It was crazy!

What does that say? How do I use this?

Yep, it's even windy by that big rock

Resisting the wind

We really enjoyed our time in Morro Bay (I was sad to go...although I'm always pretty apprehensive when we leave anywhere and have to face the unknown ocean) and would definitely recommend stopping by this little town, either by land or by sea. (It was a vast improvement from Sausalito...but we all know how I felt about that experience).
There's that rock again

And again!

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