Friday, November 19, 2010

Adios Eureka!

Ohhhh, more fog (what else is new)

Dad and the fog (so much fog)

Sunrise, made it through another night
After five days of exploring, eating, and enjoying it's historical downtown (not to mention getting a tattoo...can't forget that) we finally said our good-byes to Eureka, CA. Dad and I both really enjoyed ourselves and were continually impressed with the clean marina, the affordable prices, and the friendly people.

Monday morning (9/20) we prepared the sails and waited (once again) for the fog to clear. After about an hour, we headed out to the wild blue once more, a little more experienced, a little more excited, and ready for the what our next stop had to offer. Our plan was to stop in Fort Bragg, a quick overnight trip...if that didn't work, Bodega Bay was just around the corner...apparently neither of us realized how much we acutally enjoyed the sailing and we said, "Forget Fort Bragg and Bodega Bay...San Fransisco here we come!" (What were we thinking?!) So, after another three day/two night trip, we made our way into San Fransisco on Wednesday afternoon (9/22).

We are getting more and more comfortable each time we take the boat in the ocean (although I'm still terrified of sailing at night, I've found that if I keep my headphones in, close my eyes, and try to forget about being knocked around by 6 ft,'s not too bad). The weather continued to be foggy down the coast, but at least the wind was blowing this time.
Now all we need is a little warmer temperatures and we'll be living the dream.

Another sunset

Wow...nice survival suit (and yes, it was that cold)

The sunset

Dad taking a nap (hmmm...during his watch?)

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