Friday, November 19, 2010

A Real Adventure

Should have paid attention to this
After leaving Sausalito, Dad and I continued to motor south hoping to make the 180 mile trip to our next harbor, Morro Bay, in 3 days/2 nights. Unfortunately, we were lacking wind, like always, and had to motor more than expected which led to bigger problems.

On our 3rd day of travel, we decided to anchor in San Simeon (a mere 20 miles north of Morro Bay) for a night, where we also planned on getting more fuel. Once we dropped the anchor and inflated the dinghy, it was just a quick trip over the surf and onto the beach where a convenient store was located and hopefully a gas pump. Unfortunately, the convenient store didn't have fuel, so Dad turned to hitchhiking to the nearest town of Cambria to fill up his 5-gallon can. While he was gone, I sat on the beach watching the growing surf wondering how we were ever going to get back to the boat.

Once he returned and after another couple of hours spent watching the surf, we tied the fuel can into the dinghy, waded into the ocean, and attempted to get past the surf into calmer water. Unfortunately, it didn't go that smoothly and we were flipped, end over end, by the crashing waves. Dad managed to get out of the water with a smile on his face, laughing about our misfortune...I, however, didn't find it nearly as comical and was hysterically crying as I crawled out of the water.

After watching the waves for two more hours, now wet and slightly hesitant, we finally decided that we weren't going to get back to the boat that night. Low tide was the following morning at 10:30 and would hopefully provide a calmer surf. So, we gathered our wet clothes and headed for Cambria in search of a hotel for the night. Because Cambria is 8 miles away from San Simeon, we tried our luck at hitchhiking again and were immediately picked up by a motor home driven by four, 20-something-year-olds from London. This was definitely the hightlight of the day! Their raw excitement for the U.S. was so really helped raise our spirits.

They dropped us off at a clean, quaint  motel on the south side of town called, Cambria Palms where we were graciously greeted by the innkeeper, Troy. He was a local kayaker and familiar with the surf of San Simeon. He offered to take us back the next morning and help us get to the boat. After a peaceful night spent on real beds, with a shower that we didn't have to plug with quarters, and cable tv, we were well rested and prepared for our big launch the following day.

With the help of Troy, and two other kayakers we met on the beach, Jim and Matt, we were able to make it back to the boat, safe and sound. I didn't think I would ever be that happy to be back on our 27ft. home away from home. From there we immediately deflated the dinghy, filled the motor with fuel and headed down to Morro Bay.

Although this "adventure" was traumatic in a variety of ways (at least for me, haha) we learned a lot and met some great people along the way. The generosity that we were showered with over this 24 hour period was more than we could have ever asked for.
Watching the surf...

Sea Chaser stranded

Real beds, they never felt so good!

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