Saturday, November 20, 2010

Catalina to San Diego...Next Stop Cabo!

After a few days of rest, relaxation, and some much needed work on Seachaser, we headed over to Catalina Island. We had heard nothing but good things from a variety of people and couldn't wait to see for ourselves what the island was about.

Dad spending another day in the cold (at least he's still smiling)

Dad and I take pictures as we wait for the fog to clear around Catalina

Sea Chaser in action

This time, the rumors were true! The island was great (Dad's favorite stop so far). We were able to anchor just offshore, which access to bathrooms/shower and a great restaurant/bar. We met people from all over who were sailing through to different areas in Mexico and were able to learn all sorts of helpful cruising information.

We planned it so that we were at Catalina while Latitudes and Attitudes (a sailing magazine) was hosting their annual "Cruiser's Weekend." We were able to attend a variety of seminars on sailing, fishing, and cruising. As well as enjoy the festivities of a huge potluck. All we needed was a little nicer weather and we would be set! Unfortunately, the weather was still rainy and semi-cold (apparently it doesn't get warmer until Mexico?!)
Two Harbors anchorage/mooring

Some crazy cactus plant/bush

Cat Harbor

Catalina Island

Me with Two Harbors in the background

The dinghy dock during the Cruiser's Party...crazy!
After our weekend spent in Catalina, we ventured over to San Diego. We wanted to get here with plenty of time to prep the boat for "the big race." Dad still had a little work to do on the motor and we needed to restock our food supply (and by food supply I mean PB&J) for our trip down to Cabo.

We arrived in San Diego on Monday morning (10/18) and have been working and prepping ever since. The motor is ready to go, we've added an additional 25 gallons of extra fuel to the boat (just in case) and we have enough peaunut butter and jelly to last us the rest of year. We're set!

Me next to a fishing statue in San Diego

San Diego skyline

Me trying on my birthday/Halloween hat. Cute, right?

Sea Chaser getting ready for the big race

Throughout the week we've met a variety of the fleet (there will be 196 other boats participating in the Baja Ha-Ha race with us) and have consumed as much advice about sailing and eveything else Baja related that we possibly can. Now all we can do is hope for better weather and a strong steady breeze.

Although I'm pretty apprehensive about leaving again, especially on such a strict will be nice to get moving south where the weather is warmer (or so they say!) and the sailing is better. We've had nothing but overcast days and rain since we got here...seems like we've brought the Oregon weather with us, the Californian's aren't happy!

Wish us luck as we head out tomorrow. I've included a schedule of the race so you can keep us in our thoughts. We'll see you in Cabo!

Baja Ha-Ha 2010
LEG ONE: San Diego to Turtle Bay --10/25-10/28 (my birthday!)
LEG TWO: Turtle Bay to Bahia Santa Maria -- 10/30-11/1
LEG THREE: Bahia Santa Maria to Cabo San Lucas --11/3-11/4

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